Hello, my name is Imanol Zapico

I am a Fullstack (FE-Heavy) Web Developer

Imanol Zapico smiling in a red plaid shirt and tortoise shell glasses

Eager to learn

In a fast moving industry like ours, staying on top of your game means you never stop learning. Technologies change just as fast as trends, and what’s common practice now might already be outdated in a few years. That's why I always like to be updated with the latest frontend trends.

Strong focus on UX

Proficient in creating and implementing UI designs, user interactions, and improving website performance. With a strong focus on user experience and attention to detail, I have developed a reputation for delivering visually appealing and functional websites.

Teamwork = Success

I value a supportive and collaborative work environments where I can share knowledge and ideas, and contribute to the growth of the company. My goal is to find a company where I can continue to grow and improve as a developer but also make a positive impact on the company's success.

Some of my featured projects

Take a look below at some of my featured projects from the past few years.

Work Experience

Frontend Web Developer

Javascript Javascript Javascript Javascript Javascript
June 2022 - Present
Projects I've worked on:
Web / Mobile Check-in
Flight Reservation System
Inventory Control
Users Management
Crew Management

Fullstack Web Developer

Javascript Javascript Javascript Javascript Javascript
January 2019 - June 2022
Projects finished:
Supplier Management System
Automatic Debit System
Bank Transfers Management
Credit/Debit Card Checkout
API Digital Signature System


Here are some of my skills